Praise for Tour Fever from critics

“A superb companion to the world’s greatest race, Tour Fever breaks down the race’s history, terminology, and traditions in a smart yet easy-to-use guide that offers something to both the brand-new enthusiast and the experienced racer. If you’re planning to tune into the Tour’s final days—and c’mon, dude, you should!—it’s the perfect companion on the couch. I’m sharing mine with the guys in the office—not so they’ll stop mocking me, but to show them that sports in July is more exciting than Astros at Padres.”–

“J.P. does a great job of capturing the majesty, drama and exuberance of Tour fever. It’s easy to recommend the book for experienced and novice cyclists alike, but the book’s greatest strength may be its ability to explain the race to a non-cyclist. It is the only book I would recommend to a cyclist’s partner. And for anyone wanting to share their loved one’s excitement, I can’t recommend the book highly enough.” —Patrick Brady, Publisher,

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